If you’re a Windows 7 user, you might be curious as to why update scans are taking hours, even days, to complete. There’s a Microsoft-related reason why Windows Update is taking ages to work. Luckily, there’s also a fix for it.
Why is Windows Update Taking Forever?
Some have speculated that Microsoft is intentionally sabotaging Windows 7 to encourage users to upgrade to Windows 10. Others think it’s innocent, as Microsoft simply has their hands full trying to fix all Windows 10 issues, which are prioritized over problems with previous versions. Either way, their neglect of Windows 7 is what’s causing the software to update so sluggishly.
Check if You Already Have the Following Updates
Fixing the update scan issue involves downloading two patches from Microsoft. To see if you already have them, take these steps:
- Click Start>Control Panel>System and Security>View installed updates.
- Click Name to sort the list of updates alphabetically.
- Go to the heading Microsoft Windows and look for “Update for Microsoft Windows (KB3138612)” and “Update for Microsoft Windows (KB3145739).
Fixing the Problem
To make Windows Update run faster, you’ll need to install both patches KB 3138612 and KB 3145739.
Update KB 3138612 is from March 2016, and it’s the update for “Windows Update Client for Windows 7.” It alone is not enough to speed up the process, but it does help.
Update KB 3145739, also known as MS16-039, is a security patch for Windows Graphics Component. It’s responsible for resolving security vulnerabilities in malware-laced fonts that could harm your computer when you open spoof email documents or visit infected webpages.
32-bit versus 64-bit Downloads
When you’re downloading the aforementioned updates, you may notice that each offers two different versions: 32-bit and 64-bit. The version you need depends on your computer’s processor, so use these steps to check first:
- Press the Start
- Right-click Computer, and click Properties.
- Under System, view your system type.
For update KB 3138612, you can find the 32-bit version here and the 64-bit version here.
For update KB 3145739, you can find the 32-bit version here and the 64-bit version here.
Remember that having either of the updates alone is not enough to fix the issues you’re having with Windows Update. But a combination of both should do the trick, saving you hours and hours of waiting when conducting your next update scan!