The Internet is constantly changing the way people do business. In a world where efficient solutions are constantly being pursued, it was only a matter of time before an alternative to the way we handle phone systems came about. VoIP, or Voice over Internet Protocol, is the revolutionary concept of converting analog audio signals, such as those used on a landline telephones, into digital data capable of being transmitted over the Internet. It’s changed the way we use the office phone, for good.
What does this mean for your business? With internet access becoming more readily available in the world, you might finally think about ditching the status quo on telephone and communication systems. With VoIP, you can now turn any Internet connection into a method for placing free phone calls. But why get involved? By downloading free VoIP software, you can overcome some of the insane rates for international calling and contact friends, family, or business partners worldwide. Most free software only takes a few minutes to set up and requires very little information, generally just your name and email address. VoIP is a concept that makes cents, and finding smart VoIP Solutions for businesses is what TCI Technologies is all about.
There are many ways to utilize VoIP for your business. One way to get involved, is by using a PBX phone system, or Private Branch Exchange. PBX, put more simply, is your businesses’ main telephone system. The users of a PBX phone system share outside phone lines which are used for making outbound calls. The main function of a PBX phone system is to connect all internal telephone lines within an organization and connect them to the public switched telephone network, or PSTN. In more recent times, PBX systems have integrated VoIP PBX, or IP PBX, which works in conjunction with Internet protocols in order to place calls. PBX is the system which manages all the data on your phone including your name, voicemail, and auto attendant. If you are interested in getting involved with a PBX system, companies like Allworx, NEC, Panasonic, and Cisco can all help get you started on your quest to find smart VoIP Solutions for your business.
When using a VoIP system, the data must be stored. This is where you, as a business owner, need to make a decision. You may choose to host your own phone system, or hire a company to host your system for you. If you are still interested in learning more about the benefits and drawbacks of hosted versus non hosted phone systems, stay tuned in the coming weeks. More information is on the way. The Office Phone Redefined mini-series will be updated shortly. Check back on our TCI Technologies blog for upcoming posts on the Benefits and Drawbacks of using VoIP phone systems.